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ALP 1.5 beta
Check the upcoming ALP 1.5 and all its supporting components. There are some new features to be finished, and some documenting to be done, but otherwise it is ready to roll and if you are familiar with ALP you can start using it right now!
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ALP Engine Core Downloads

Download ALP run-time files
Download this package if you want to run ALP based applications and you are not going to develop software based on ALP. Contains only the vital parts of ALP engine without documentation, samples and development tools. Size ~700KB self extract installation package - download and run.

Download ALP Full package
Download this package if you want not only run ALP based applications but also develop, port, adapt applications to run under ALP. Conatains documentation, samples, tools for software developers. Size 3.3MB self extract installation package - download and run. If you prefer a ZIP archive instead of self-extract, download ALP.ZIP (4.8MB).

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Applications based on ALP technology.

(This page is brand new and the list of the applications here is far from completion. Developers contact us to include your applications in the list.)

SQLite COM Database manager

Database manager application for SQLite 2.x databases. It works with the SQLite COM implementation of SQLite database and allows the developers to design their databases - define tables, indices, triggers and views; Test the database by running queries, view the structure graphically and so on.

Publisher: newObjects [ ]
License: freeware
Download: SFX, ZIP
Requirements: ALP 1.2


If you are a developer you can send us information about your ALP application(s). Contact us for more details.

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